Electromagnetic Waves

Hey everyone! How are you? Okay so this is a really short topic which we are going to study today: Electromagnetic waves. Its more of having it on fingertips than grabbing the concept. Let’s get started!

Electromagnetic waves belong to the electromagnetic spectrum. Light is a part of this spectrum. And the only part of spectrum that we are able to see is light. The rest of it, like radio rays, are not visible to us.

Here’s the electromagnetic spectrum:

Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength and the highest frequency while radio waves have the longest wavelength and the lowest frequency.

Properties of electromagnetic waves:
        Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves. They are electric and magnetic fields that oscillate at 90° to each other.
        They transfer energy from one place to another.
        They can travel through vacuum (do not require any medium to travel)
        They travel at 3.0 x 108  metres per second in vacuum. They will slow down when travelling through water or glass.
        The wave equation is applicable here too.
        They obey the laws of reflection and refraction.
        They carry no electric charge (they are neither positively or negatively charged)
        Their frequencies do not change when travelling from one medium to another. Only their speeds and wavelength will change.

Just memorise these properties and you’re done!

The only left for you to do is google the uses of these waves and memorise them. You should know at least two uses of each wave. Like ultraviolet waves are used in sunbeds and in sterilization of medical equipment.

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