Equilibrium of forces: (May - June 2003 Paper 1 Question No. 06 )

   A person just supports a mass of 20 kg suspended from a rope.

What is the resultant force acting on the mass?

A      0N            
B     10 N             
C      20 N             
D      200 N

Correct Answer: A (0 N)

The mass of the object = 20 kg
The weight of the object = mass x gravitational acceleration = 20 kg x 10 m/s2 = 200 N
As the mass is not moving or falling down, the person is also giving 200 N force to stop the object from falling down. And from the second law of Newton we know that if there is a resultant force then there will be acceleration. As there is no movement or acceleration of the object, the resultant force is zero Newton.


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